What is it ? : This transform superpose foliums, each of them being slightly rotated and magnified. The Parameters : Mode :
Folium Type :
Folium Power : This modify either the cosinus or the sawtooth function. The look of the folium is changed. Angle Step : The amount foliums are rotated at each iteration. Magnification Step : The amount foliums are magnified at each iteration. Folium 1/2 Order : The order (number of petals) of each folium. Setting different values here produce distorted and irregular foliums. Folium 1/2 Weight : The relative weight of the two foliums. You must put a value different from 0 here if you want both foliums to have an effect. Dephasage : The relative angle between the two foliums. Folium Inner/Outer Bound : Define the boundaries of the folium. Treshold : The width of the strings. Color Number : Only for the color modes.
String-Art Coloring
What is it ? : This coloring draws foliums that can be used to give a more string-like look to images produced with the String-Art transform. It should be used on a pixel formula. You'll likely have to increase color depth in the coloring tab to get something interesting. The Parameters : You have to copy the parameters of the transform into the corresponding
fields of the coloring in order to get a proper string look. The thickness
parameter change the look of the strings.