The Julia Trap Coloring

What is it ? :

The Julia Trap Coloring works exactly like a standard orbit trap, except that it uses a Julia set (or a M-set) as trap.

The Parameters :

Trap Mode : 
- Closest : Computes the smallest distance between the point and the Julia set and use it to determine the final color.

- Mean : Computes the mean distance between the point and the Julia set and use it to determine the final color.

Julia Set : 
Determine which Julia set will be used as trap. You can choose between nine "ready to use" Julia sets (1,2,...,9), the M-set and a "custom" julia set which will use as seed what you enter in the "seed" parameter.

Trap Frequency : It allow you to make the trap "repeat" periodically (if not 0).

Examples :

juliatrap2 (look at the layers separately)

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